Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Day 7 - Little Miss Independant

30 Days of Thanks

Day 7 - I am thankful for my independence and helpful people around to help when I am not so independent.

In the grand scale, I am thankful that I can say what I want to say, and write what I want to write about.  On the smaller scale of things, I am thankful for my "get it done" attitude.  This has proven to be a blessing and a hinderance.  People start to assume that you have everything covered even if you don't.  Especially because everything is normally under control.  When the time comes that you actually do need help there are few people standing in line.  I am thankful for these people.  Even if it something like serving pie to everyone, doing the dishes, taking out the trash or volunteering to watch Clover so she doesn't have to sit in the boring o ER room.  It's all appreciated.  Very much so.

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