Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Relief (partial)

Day 1. Relief (partial)

Guess what?  I am participating in another blog meme with NaBloPoMo or National Blog Posting Month.  The theme for March is In One Word.

So one word about today?  Relief.  I added (partial) because this has been an ongoing saga of the tooth.  Today was another dental appointment.  I was to get my impression for my crown.  I got poked and prodded and drilled.  As soon as the numbing stuff wore off I was only supposed to be "a little irritated".

Some Ibuprofen, a cup of coffee and a half an hour later the tension in my body started to subside as the pain in my gums started to fade.



I am so ready to be done with this!  


  1. What a great idea this part of your blog is. Where do you find all of your idea's? I started another Blog today it's the next year of my life in pictures. The 365 project. www.year3inpictures.blogspot.com :) just in case your interested.

  2. Thanks. I use extensive internet research..ie google. lol. I want to do the 365 but I dont know if I could remember to take a pic every day. Not that they would know when you took it or whatever. lol
