Sometimes flashbacks in the middle of the grocery store aren't a bad thing. I was strolling through the cracker isle when I heard Savage Garden. Of course it was Truly Madly Deeply. This song has such a special place in my heart. I was in love with this song. I walked down the isle and married my husband to this song.
Have you ever tried to concentrate on grocery shopping when you are stuck in this nostalgic fog?
I think it's a good thing when you can look back and be happy with the memories. To be that young and be so sure of something. I knew I was in love and I knew I wanted to marry the guy that was standing on the end of the patio. We had our family, some friends, the ocean, a bouquet of roses and Savage Garden on the boombox. There were so many other things going on but that is what I remember. It was him and I and nothing else mattered.
It's so interesting how a song can still be the same but the emotions you associate with it can change and then sometimes they don't. Whenever I heard it I made my husband get up and dance with me. We would shuffle around the kitchen in our socks. I'm sure I annoyed everyone by keeping the song on auto repeat. Fourteen years later, I still love that song. Even through the craziness that can be life, I still love the man I married on that day.
And then regular life kicked in and music got put down the list of priorities. So it is nice when I hear an old song. Even if I'm trying to decided between Better Cheddars and Ritz at the time. I ended up getting both but I forgot the shaving cream. I blame the fog.
Absolutely beautiful! So true too.