Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Nature of the Giver

We were talking the other day and I asked one of those not so simple questions.

What do you want to be remembered for?

I don't give this question much thought.  When the question was turned back on me I answered it pretty quickly.  I just want to make someone happy.  I know there are people out there with huge goals of changing the world.  I'm not looking to take on the stress of all that.  I just want to make the people around me happy and spread some love.  I don't aim for big things.  I like to be helpful wherever I can.  If I can make someone's day a little bit easier I am all in.  Sometimes it's bringing cookies or cracking a lame joke to distract someone from their stress for a minute or two.  As a matter of fact I think it's the smaller things that matter.  Let's just revisit my favorite quote, shall we? 

"I found it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love."  - Gandalf     

Such is the nature of the giver, I suppose.  You never know how that small act of kindness can help.  Sometimes those acts go unnoticed as the person is so wrapped up in themselves that they are too distracted to notice.  Then there are the ones that take so frequently that they come to expect it.  Both of those thoughts are discouraging.  As my favorite six year old in the whole wide world told me today...

"That's just life Mom!  Sometimes it's just like that"

Sometimes we just have to shrug it off and continue on because you know I am going to wake up and do it all again tomorrow.               

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