Clover fell in love with the Hobbit and The Lord Of The Rings. And while I thought at the time it was just a phase she has proven me wrong. We are still in the Middle Earth Phase and have been since December. So when it came around to picking a birthday theme...well, you know the rest.
Since there is hardly any merchandise for parties pertaining to the Hobbit/LOTR, I had to come up with ideas for decor and games. There are quite a few great blogs out there of things that other people have done. Like I said in my last post I picked through the internet and filed ideas away. I didn't get to everything I put in the massive folder of bookmarks labeled "Hobbit", but I was pretty pleased with how the party turned out.
I did a google search for hobbit fonts and found Party Business for this sign.
I wanted a game the kids could play while running around so I hid a couple dragons around the gym. Whoever found them got a little extra treasure. I searched on Amazon for chocolate gold coins but shipping seemed a little pricey for me. I actually found a container of them at Smart and Final. So part of my lesson I learned this time was to shop around.
The stress was greatly reduced by NOT having it out our house. I actually got to mingle at one of my own parties. I still feel like I didn't make it around to everyone. I am very lucky that I have a party photographer. She loves to take pictures and I love that when I stress out that I wasn't able to take any pictures she tells me to chill and hands me her SD card. Thanks Lissa for the party pictures.
The party table. Lined with Green Burlap I found in January on sale at Hobby Lobby. Goodies include pastries and berries. We also had hobbit door cookies made and they turned out to be the most adorable cookies ever!
We had the party at 2:45, which is a weird time. I over bought on food. We took a lot of it home with us. I know it's one of my issues with party planning. I am always afraid I am going to run out of food. I wanted the kids to be able to load up after running around so much.
I had blank invites left over so I printed quotes on them and laid them out on the tables.
The cake we got from Costco. It's an "Over the Hill" cake. I asked in advance if they could put a hobbit hole in the middle and they said yes. They told me to add it to the form and draw a picture if I wanted. It came out so cute! I was pretty excited when I picked it up. I had a debate with myself. This was the first year I didn't make her cake. At first I felt kind of bad but then when I saw the cake I didn't mind so much. I also added Sparkling Candles for an added Gandalf like touch.
It was a lot of planning and crafting for a two hour party but I really did enjoy myself. There was a quarter of the stress this year as compared to last year. I didn't have to worry about weather or moving it from the park to the house or anything. The night before was so chill that I was stressing that I wasn't stressing and that is such a weird thing to be stressed about.
I was excited that all of my little ideas all came together and formed a very adventurous journey. The kids all had such a great time that there were several tears over leaving. They did not want all the fun to be over!
Since we are still in the Middle Earth Phase I know there are still several hobbitish days ahead of us.
So, I will leave you with my favorite quote from the movie...
"I found it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love." - Gandalf